You Won’t Believe What Fox Called Obama On National TV


Move over, Donald Trump: a Fox News contributor has officially uttered the most hilarious, inappropriate, “we-were-all-thinking-it” quote of the election cycle.

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a regular Fox News contributor, appeared on Stuart Varney’s Fox Business show—and he ramped up his criticism of Obama’s national security policy by calling him a p*ssy on national television:

“Mr. President, we’re not afraid! We’re angry! We’re pissed off! We’re furious!” Peters said.

“We want you to react. We want you to do something. You’re afraid! I mean, this guy is such a total pussy, it’s stunning! We, the American people, who he does not know in any intimate sort of manner, we want action. We want action against Islamic State.”

“This is a president who doesn’t want to hurt our enemies,” Peters continued. “This is a president who cares more about thugs in Guantanamo or thugs in Ferguson, Missouri, than he does about law-abiding American citizens and their right to live in safety and peace.”

“This is a president who doesn’t want to hurt our enemies,” Peters said. “This is a president who cares more about thugs in Guantanamo or thugs in Ferguson, Missouri, than he does about law-abiding American citizens and their right to live in safety and peace.”

Varney, remembering that this was a family show, tried to interject a few times. Finally, he was able to get a word in: “I can tell you are super angry, and I asked you what your reaction was, but I’ve got to call you… you can’t use language like that on the program, okay?” Varney said.

Peters replied, “I’m sorry.” He later added, “My choice of words was incorrect, but my sentiment, I think, is shared by many.”

Despite the millions of Americans who undoubtedly found his comments amazing, Fox News brass were less than thrilled.

“Earlier today, Fox contributors Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Stacey Dash made comments on different programs that were completely inappropriate and unacceptable for our air,” said Fox’s senior executive vice president Bill Shine, mentioning both Peters’ comments as well as another contributor, Stacey Dash, who claimed Obama “didn’t give a sh*t” about terrorism just hours later.

“Fox Business Network and Fox News Channel do not condone the use of such language, and have suspended both Peters and Dash for two weeks.”

Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.