Maxine Waters stated that she would consider running for president, “if the millennials wanted me to do it, I’d do it.” However, she claimed that her recent trip to New Hampshire has nothing to do with laying the groundwork for a presidential run in 2020.
Waters had been an active critique of Donald Trump ever since he announced that he would be running for office in the 2016 presidential elections. “I was absolutely appalled by what I learned about Trump during the campaign and the way that he conducted himself, the way that he treated women and the handicapped, and the way that he basically had an agenda that polarized our society,” Waters expressed and stated that “Out of that, I decided to speak up, and to speak out, and to let others know how I felt.”
She added, “I really did think there were others who were having the same discomfort with him that I was having. And I thought that it was important for them to know that a member of Congress, an elected official, was feeling this way.”
However, Waters is best known for being consistently rated as one of the most corrupt members of Congress.
As Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington reported, “– In the midst of a national financial catastrophe, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) used her position as a senior member of Congress and member of the House Financial Services Committee to prevail upon Treasury officials to meet with One United Bank. She never disclosed that her husband held stock in the bank. This outrageous conduct has led Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) to include the congresswoman as one of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress.”
However, she has been working hard to court millennials, and raise her profile among this important demographic. Talking of the millennials she stated, “They started to call me ‘Auntie Maxine,’ and to tweet, and to go on Facebook and use the social media, not only to show that they were pleased that I was speaking truth to power, but they wanted to engage.”
“I’ve been speaking out and then the millennials adopted me. I didn’t have any idea that they were paying attention, or what I was saying was resonating with them,” she said.
Just two months ago, Salon published a piece that listed five reasons why Maxine Waters can make a good president.
While, the Democratic candidate for New Hem hire Kevin Cavanaugh is hopefully that Waters can bag him few votes in the area, Jeanie Forrester, New Hampshire GOP chairwoman expressed that “It is disappointing that [Democratic candidate] Kevin Cavanaugh invited Maxine Waters to NH to fund raise for him. It simply reconfirms that he is out of touch with the voters of New Hampshire,”
“NH voters are tired of partisanship and Maxine is the epitome of that with her very public comments about opposing President Trump,” she added.