TSA Under Attack For “Longest Line Ever”


A video surfaced of the line in the Chicago Midway airport to access the TSA security screening and it is amazingly long. So long in fact the person who posted the video to Youtube had to walk for over two minutes to find the end.


Ever since 9/11/2001, Americans have been waiting in long lines to get on their flight. It has been the source of endless jokes for over a decade, but what is happening now is no laughing matter.

Lines are causing people to miss flights. In the video above, several dozen people arrived well ahead of their flights and still didn’t make it.

The travelers are taking to Twitter with the hashtag #IHateTheWait.

It is all over the country. Here is a picture from @taraleedarling in Los Angeles.

This is beyond crazy, and something needs to be done soon!

As summer travel season heats up, expect to see more images like these, but will we see anything get done?

The Department of Homeland Security, the agency that runs the TSA, announced last week that it is working with airports to find ways to “keep passengers moving” and safe.

They are working on it, but if the lines are any indication at the speed in which the TSA moves, then don’t expect anything to get done anytime soon.