The title of this article may very well be an oxymoron given Donald Trump’s life stories and love of women.
If you were to ask social conservative leader Richard Viguerie, he would certainly think so.
Viguerie recently released his latest hit piece on the presidential frontrunner, pulling a number of dated, yet salacious quotes that Trump has stated without shame in the past.
Here are just a few:
- It means electing as President a thrice married self-confessed serial philanderer who openly carried on an adulterous affair with Marla Maples, the woman who became his second wife, while still married to wife number one.
- It means electing as President a man who was not shamed, but reveled in the publicity, when The New York Post famously quoted then-mistress Marla Maples on its cover as saying “Best Sex I Ever Had” next to picture of him with a gloating smile on his face.
- It means electing as President a man who used fashion model Melania Knauss, now his third wife, to pose nude in his private jet for British GQ to promote his “luxury brand.”
- And it would mean making America’s First Lady out of that same Melania Knauss, who famously told shock jock Howard Stern that the secret to a happy marriage is “We have incredible sex at least once a day… Sometimes even more.”
- It means electing as America’s President a man who has made public discussion of sex and his sex life part of his “brand” for decades. Including such comments as “If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller (which it will be anyway!). I’d love to tell all, using names and places, but I just don’t think it’s right.” (“Trump: The Art of the Comeback”)
The social conservative leader, who has been on the periphery of politics for decades, went on to juxtapose Trump with Ted Cruz, Washington, Lincoln and Reagan who he describes as “godly” men.
While it’s hard to question the religious values of these men, with the possible exception of Washington, they were no saints.
Reagan was married twice, and conceived his daughter Patti (who went on to pose in Playboy) out of wedlock.
Abraham Lincoln, who declared war on his own people, was also the talk of the town as he was known to sleep in the same bed as his bodyguard . . . but only when Mrs. Lincoln was on travel.
Lincoln’s naval aide wrote in her diary, “Oh, there is a Bucktail soldier here devoted to the president, drives with him, and when Mrs. L. is not home, sleeps with him. What stuff!”
As for Ted Cruz, an ambitious man since youth, aside from the incident with his wife as a “danger to herself” one evening in 2005, and borrowing from personal connections at banks (starting as a teen to pay a gambling debt), the Texas senator is lacking in any personal excitement. However, his vice may very well be his gross ambition.
Cruz’s failure to acknowledge and take action to prevent ineligibility challenges due to his Canadian birth is an indicator that the presidential contender is blinded by his goals.
Given the imperfect personal lives of Trump, Lincoln, Reagan and Cruz, while they strive to be “godly” (maybe not Trump), they are imperfect like all men in the eyes of God.
Personal arguments aside, what does that have to do with government?
America is founded on Judeo-Christian values, but should the President of the United States be the religious leader of the nation or should that man be the defender of the Constitution and a force for Liberty?
Just years ago, the social right held Washington by the tail, demanding their values be pressed down upon others under the force of law.
Even before then, those religious values brought us the failed War on Drugs . . . or for those who really know the history of drug criminalization, it was started to keep married women out of Chinese opium dens.
Today, America is held captive by sexual and racial minorities who demand government step in to shield them from countless offenses and perceived slights.
The result, whether by pressure from the social right or liberal left, has been the weakening and feminization of men and the family.
Donald Trump represents a throwback to earlier years when knowingly imperfect men lived and thrived with strength and character.
Trump brazenly casts aside political correctness and leads others to stop being the crybabies that society has created and instead be the leaders the nation needs.
While social conservative leaders like Viguerie appropriately feel Trump is not fit to lead behind a pulpit, does that disqualify him from leading from behind a desk?
Comment below.