Now that Bruce Jenner has come out as a woman, anyone can use a Target bathroom of their choice, and MMA men can fight as girls, even the United States military is falling in line with catering to “gender neutrality”.
The Navy and the Marines are preparing to change many of the military titles to more gender-neutral terminology. They are taking “men” out of the military.
Terms like “basic infantryman” are going to be switched to “basic infantry Marine”. In most cases, the word “men” or “man” will be replaced with Marine.
The Marines are changing 19 of their titles during this process.
For some reason though, “rifleman” and “mortarman” will not be altered.
Some of the females in the Air Force were asked about the terms and the changes, but very few of them thought they were necessary.
The change is coming during a national trend to get rid of all evidence of different genders.
Target recently removed all “boy” and “girl” colors and titles and now the toy sections are not gender specific.
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