Last week, Secretary of Defense, Jim Mattis met with a group of sailor to praise them for their service and reflecting on the values of the military – all whilst using very rough and vulgar, ‘sailor’s language.’
Talking about their job, Mattis stated, “You will have some of the best days of your life and some of the worst days of your life in the U.S. Navy, you know what I mean?” He continued, “That means you’re living. That means you’re not some pussy sitting on the sidelines, you know what I mean, kind of sitting there saying, ‘Well, I should have done something with my life.'”
“Because of what you’re doing now, you’re not going to be laying on a shrink’s couch when you’re 45 years old, say ‘What the hell did I do with my life?'” he added. “Why? Because you served others; you served something bigger than you.”
By becoming a sailor, “you’re getting into something that’s non-quantifiable,” Mattis expressed.
Mattis even revealed that he wishes he was once again, “young enough to go back out to sea.” And added, “I spent seven days underwater once on a submarine so small it’d fit in half of this thing, and I was never so happy as when I got back to the surface,” he recollected.
Mattis expressed his sincere admiration the sailors by stating, “I do admire you,” Mattis and stated, “I have a little sense of what happens and all that stuff when you go down, but I got nothing like your experience, and I just stand here in respect of every one of you.”
He also made a point of thanking the sailors for “sticking with the Navy” and made a light-hearted jab at the Marines, saying, “Although, I will admit it takes a special kind of person to be in submarines. I was in the Marines, and there’s a world of difference between a submariner and a Marine, you know what I mean?”
“Some of you aren’t even old enough to drink a beer, and yet you’re the only reason I came back to work in the Department of Defense, was to serve, in some way, you guys, because you know, frankly, that’s best paycheck in the world, “he said.
Emphasizing on the importance of the Navy, and strengthening the military, Mattis stated, “We’re going to have to grow the fleet,” He argued, “But also what we’re going to do in strengthening the military by making certain the new Columbia-class (submarine) is at the top of her game.”
Towards the beginning of the year, President Trump ordered a complete review of military readiness. And, while, the Pentagon is still reviewing U.S. nuclear readiness it is clear that titanic investments will have to be made to keep the US submarine fleet dominant.