Nancy Pelosi has attacked corporations—for giving $1,000 bonuses to their employees, due to President Trump’s tax reform bill.
After Wal-Mart became the latest company to announce they would hike wages and give big bonuses to their workers, a reporter asked Pelosi: “A number of companies are attributing the tax bill for being able to give higher wages to their employees as well as being able to give a number of bonuses to their employees. How do you respond to that?”
Pelosi’s answer was shockingly out-of-touch—claiming that, essentially, another $1,000 in the pockets of American workers is chump change.
“In terms of the bonus that corporate America received versus the crumbs that they are giving workers to kind of put the schmooze on is so pathetic. It’s so pathetic,” Pelosi said.
“I would hope that with their big advantage of bringing money home at a very low rate that they would invest in infrastructure and things, but our experience has been that they will do dividends, do stock buybacks, and things like that. I think it’s insignificant,” she added.
Pelosi had been one of the strongest critics of the tax reform legislation—calling it “armageddon” and the “worst bill in the history of the United States Congress.”
But, after the bill passed, it became clear that Pelosi’s theatrical language was hiding the fact that tax reform meant substantially more money in the pockets of the American people.
Though lower tax rates won’t kick in until February, Americans are already starting to feel the benefits—through higher wages, big bonuses, and low unemployment rates.