You can’t make this up: after 23 years of marriage, and seven children, a fifty-two-year old Canadian man has decided to live life as a female.
But, unlike many transgender people, Paul Wolscht didn’t transition into a new life as a fifty-two-year-old woman—but, rather, as a six-year-old girl, named Stefonknee.
Wolscht explained exactly what the justification is for her “transition”: “I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children, but I don’t want to be an adult right now.”
She added, “It’s called play therapy, no medication, no suicide thoughts and I just get to play.
“If I’m six-years-old, I don’t have to think about adult stuff. By not acting my age, I don’t have to deal with the reality of my past, because it hurt.”
Instead, Wolscht has an adopted “mommy and daddy” who are “totally comfortable with [him] being a little girl.” She also has a seven-year-old “older sister” (who is actually a seven-year-old girl.)
But, at some point, Wolscht feels there might be a time where she might become a full-fledged grown-up, again: “Well, eventually I will grow up,” but didn’t specify when she thought that might happen.
Wolscht still does some adult things—like drinking coffee and driving a car—but does so “as a child,” whatever that means. Even when she spent a little over a week in jail (for unclear charges), she kept up the act of being a six-year-old girl.
For now, Wolscht plans to “just let it go and stop thinking about big people’s stuff.” She feels “there’s nothing wrong with us pulling out a puzzle, or colouring in a colouring book, or watching cartoons,” to avoid the stresses of being an actual adult.