Liberals Create Anti-Trump Dating Site

Political Dating Site
Women's one-stop shop for the best pick of effeminate and weak soyboys!

There’s now a place to go if you only want to date other “resisters”—a new dating site called NeverTrump.Dating.

A far-left group called the American Liberal Council (ALC) is behind the group, describing themselves as “an all-inclusive, love-pairing dating site for those who oppose and resist President Donald Trump.”

ALC added that the site “made with progressives, independents, disillusioned Republicans, and the LGBT community in mind” and offers to help those people “escape Trumpism with an enlightened lover.”

“Our Democracy can still be saved,” they said, on the site. “But first, we must find those with like minded beliefs, and join those who stand for tolerance and justice for all. We need allies who will never back down to the corrupt, morally-bankrupt administration in power, and we can do that right here. Skip the awkward political conversations, and know where your future love stands from the get-go, liberty and equality are making a comeback on NeverTrump.Dating!”

“Unlike the political opposition, we’re keeping our doors open,” the site continued. “No matter what your sexual orientation, race, or creed might be, there’s a place for you on NeverTrump.Dating. The far right can try their hardest to put us in a box, and strip away our rights, but they’ll lose in the end, and our victory starts with couples that are united in social justice. Let’s make the world a better place, two liberals at a time.”