This might be one of the saddest campaign events of all time: Hillary Clinton’s campaign hosted a “watch party” event in Marshalltown, Iowa, and only five people showed up.
The event was meant to gather Hillary supporters together, so they could watch her “official” campaign launch on TV.
The official launch itself was hosted on Roosevelt Island in New York City, and curiously came more than two months she started her campaign.
After the disastrous event in Iowa, media pundits are in full-blown panic: what happens if the American people just really don’t care about their annointed candidate, Hillary Clinton?
Even CNN, which like most of the mainstream media has been awfully friendly to Hillary so far in the election cycle, is starting to see the writing on the wall.
CNN reporter Fredricka Whitfield called the event “pitiful,” and, through laughter, joked that the event was “not really looking very exciting.”
And another CNN reporter, Jeff Zeleny–who covered the event itself–wondered if this isn’t the beginning of trouble for the Democrats.
“The real question here, is the enthusiasm going to be out there for Democrats. I’m at a watch party here and Iowa, and only six people, which includes one staffer, were actually at it…”
Democrats have every reason to worry.
For a candidate that’s essentially running for her party’s nomination unchallenged, it’s not a good sign that she inspires such little enthusiasm from voters–especially in Iowa, which is arguably the most important state of the presidential primaries.
With no realistic alternatives to Hillary for the Democratic nomination, it’s very likely that she’ll be on the ballot next November.
But, with a strong and deep Republican bench running for President, it’s highly likely that she’ll face a tough challenger. If she can’t energize the Democratic base like Barack Obama did in 2008 and 2012–but if her Republican challenger can energize the GOP’s base–she’s in big trouble.
Of course, one event is just one event. But if it’s indicative of a larger problem with her enthusiasm gap, Hillary has an uphill path to the White House. It’s going to take more than 5 votes to get her there.