Megyn Kelly is the hottest thing on Fox News right now. Not because of her good looks but because of her tenacity and fearless brushes with Donald Trump.
She has come a long way in a short amount of time. She got her first show, America Live, in the early afternoons on Fox starting in 2010 but it only took three years before she had her own prime time show right behind cable behemoth Bill O’Reilly.
Megyn even had a higher ranked show than O’Reilly in August of 2015 when Trump was attacking her. Number one in the country that month.
Now she is looking to what is next. Her contract is up with Fox this summer and an unlikely person decided to write an op-ed for the Washington Post on Monday to offer some advice.
Joe Scarborough, the “republican” with his “Morning Joe” news show on the very left leaning MSNBC. Joe used the example of Glenn Beck to talk to Megyn.
“Beck began gracing the cover of magazines such as Time and Forbes. And soon enough, the man who saw himself as a latter-day version of Walt Disney was raking in tens of millions of dollars a year, was outpacing competitors on multiple media platforms, and, most important for Beck, was controlling a central place in America’s political and cultural zeitgeist.”
Joe went on to say that Glenn Beck was wrong for thinking he had out grown the largest news channel on cable. Joe also said that Glenn “has been largely irrelevant to the 2016 campaign.” He is right.
Glenn Beck may have had some pull in Utah, a state that Cruz won easily, but Beck’s support for Cruz has gone largely unnoticed and has gotten weird at some points. Like when he said that God anointed Ted Cruz.
Glenn Beck posted a response on Medium that largely praised Megyn and wished her success but also offered some advice and took a few shots at Joe in the process.
“Judging by your actions during this campaign cycle Megyn, anyone would be able to see that your principles take precedence over your own interests. This characteristic is more rare in media than the average person can imagine.
There are far worse places you can be. You could do a morning show you don’t own, on a network that no one watches, where your opinion is controlled and dismissed. Imagine how that must feel. Sad.”
Ouch! MSNBC does have remarkably low ratings and consistently falls well below CNN, which falls way below Fox.
So Megyn is faced with a decision. Stay at Fox, become the next Glenn Beck or simply do whatever she wants. Her future is wide open and the fact that two rival media guys are using her story to gain headlines is a reflection of the power and influence that Megyn Kelly has right now.
Do you like Megyn Kelly? What do you think she should do next?