How Does Hillary “Pay” Her Interns?


Hillary Clinton’s campaign is hiring student interns! But don’t expect a big payday: the former Secretary of State and Democratic frontrunner is paying her interns exactly $0 for their work.

In today’s economy, where unpaid internships often open the door to enhanced experience and, sometimes, even a job, there’s nothing wrong with that.

The problem is that Hillary has gone on the record as calling unpaid internships morally reprehensible.

“Businesses have taken advantage of unpaid internships to an extent that it is blocking the opportunities for young people to move on into paid unemployment,” Hillary said in a speech at UCLA, back in 2013. “More businesses need to move their so-called interns to employees.”

However, Hillary seems unwilling to put her money where her mouth is. Though she offers her interns perks like “free coffee” and “the chance to make history,” she is refusing to offer her “so-called interns” (her words) any sort of financial compensation.

Life in the Democratic Party: businesses “have taken advantage” of unpaid interns–but Hillary’s campaign for President of the United States? It’s totally fair game to “take advantage.”

Not only has Hillary been strongly opposed to unpaid internships, but she also supports a substantially higher minimum wage.

Which, presumably, her unpaid interns will also not be subject to. Because everyone needs a living wage. Unless you’re working for the woman calling for everyone else to pay their employees a minimum wage.

This isn’t Hillary’s first brush with unpaid internshop bureaucracy. Internships at the Clinton Foundation–the vehicle that allows Bill and Hillary Clinton to rake in tens of millions of dollars per year in speeches–are also unpaid.

Candice has almost 20 years of experience reporting for various conservative publications. When she's not writing, she enjoys being outdoors--especially camping, hiking, and hunting. She lives in Harrisburg, PA, with her husband.