A new book, written by a former Clinton pollster, sheds new light on Bill and Hillary Clinton’s marriage.
Mark Penn, a longtime Clinton pollster in the 1990s and the chief strategist for Hillary Clinton’s failed 2008 presidential campaign, wrote the book “Microtrends Squared: The New Small Forces Driving Today’s Big Disruptions.”
In his book, Penn claims that the Clintons have “at least a one-way open marriage,” meaning that Hillary allows Bill to sleep with women outside of their marriage.
“It’s not hard to conclude that Bill and Hillary Clinton didn’t have at least a one-way open marriage,” Penn wrote. “Perhaps it was not by choice, but the stories accumulated over the years until the fact of it became apparent.”
“There was also no question that at the same time their relationship was so deep and enduring,” he added. “If this was the model of the first couple, what did it mean for the rest of the country?”
But Penn wasn’t judging the former First Couple. He was quick to add that, for celebrity couples—like the Clintons—having an open marriage is normal.
“Hollywood usually does as Hollywood writes,” he said. “For example, Frank and Claire Underwood in House of Cards have numerous partners, including one who sleeps at the White House, as they pretend to ignore it. There seems to be a rage of jealousy under the surface.”
“These open marriages are based less on sex and more on love, creating additional meaningful relationships that are part of the marriage in some ways and that may come and go, revolving around the couple, which still serves as the core unit,” he added.
Bill Clinton’s numerous extramarital affairs, obviously, are the thing of legend: his presidential bid in 1992 was nearly scuttled after an Arkansas woman named Gennifer Flowers first alleged a 12-year-long affair with Clinton. The scandals would continue to haunt Clinton’s presidency, culminating with his impeachment over lying about an affair with intern Monica Lewinsky.
But Clinton’s sexual proclivities continue to dog him. In the era of “Me Too,” high-profile Democrats like former Clinton ally Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) have turned on the former President over allegations of rape and sexual assault.
However, if Penn is to be believed, Bill’s extramarital sex was at least tacitly approved by Hillary Clinton.