This time last year, there wasn’t a Democrat in America who thought anyone but Hillary would be president this year, but she is starting to lose it.
In fact, Bernie Sanders has a golden opportunity in the Golden State next week. Bernie is leading in some polls in California and the race is incredibly tight. He was down double digits a couple of months ago and could pull off the major upset.
It is possible that Bernie can finish with more delegates than Hillary Clinton, but her super delegates will push her over the finish line.
The problem with winning by super delegates is that Bernie has railed against the “system” by calling it rigged for Hillary.
Bernie has openly objected to the Democratic Party leader, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and if he wins more states and goes to the convention and loses there will be riots.
Hillary is in panic mode now and is shifting the focus of her campaign to California, a state she thought she had locked up.
If she loses California, then she will have a hard time telling Bernie fans that she deserves to be president because she won the south back in February and March. She will have a hard time pulling the Democratic Party back together. She will have a hard time just getting the nomination.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump is continuously attacking Hillary and Bill in ways that is hurting her in national polls. It also doesn’t help that the Sate Department Inspector General came out last week and condemned Hillary for her use of her private email server.
The damaging report last week said that Hillary did not ask permission to use her server and that she knowingly destroyed thousands of emails when they were the property of the United States government.
The Inspector General’s report opened the door to allow the FBI to indict the former secretary of state. The Department of Justice and FBI all work for the president and he appointed both heads.
Indicting Hillary would be bad for the Democratic Party, right? Maybe not. If Bernie wins California, one of the only ways to officially unite the party is to indict Hillary and force her to leave the race. This would allow Bernie to get the nomination.
There is a wild possibility that because Hillary can’t put away Bernie the FBI could save the Democratic Party by indicting Hillary and she could be the fall guy. One year ago she was the presumptive nominee and it is possible that she will be in prison by the end of the year, only to be pardoned by Obama before he leaves office.
What do you think? Are we witnessing the final downfall of Hillary Clinton?