Sometimes the left is so sensitive, it hurts its own feelings. The Sacramento California LGBT Community Center had to issue an apology last week for that very thing. It seemed that their annual Red Dress fundraiser for the community center and HIV prevention went “too far” in “appropriating East Asian culture.”
The group that is upset is not even predominantly East Asian. In fact the APIQSC actually stands for Asian Pacific Islander Queer Sacramento Coalition. As pretentious as it sounds, it isn’t a made up group. A member, Richard Carriollo, that attended the Community Center’s party had this to say:
“There were Japanese fans, there were Japanese umbrellas, Japanese cranes mixed in with the Chinese dragon theme, Chinese lanterns, and it kind of made it unclear which culture they were referring to”
The October 17th event deeply offended the guests from APIQSC. But you have to wonder if they didn’t come in looking for something to be offended about. Overall they claim that the party which “appropriated” very little culture that applied to them specifically, was the cause of “deep pain and alienation”.
The Community Center apologized for the made-up crime.
The “Red Dragon” theme was on trial for “homogenizing Asian culture” and “perpetuating Western stereotypes”. The group also said the did not feel that the decorations were tasteful and that they did not convey the beauty of the culture.
And so it was that the Left gave itself a culturally insensitive black eye. Next year, people should come dressed as unisexual beings and all the decorations will be grey. But, I’m sure that there would be complaints about that too.