Fort Hood Victim Abandoned by Gov


In the most deadly terrorist attack on a military base inside the continental United States, a self-radicalized Jihadi fighter named Major Nidal Hasan was convicted of fatally shooting 13 people and injuring 30 others at Fort Hood, Texas on November 5, 2009.

At first, the Obama administration described Hasan’s shooting spree as “workplace violence”.

Congress disagreed and passed legislation describing the attack as an act of war and that the men and women (including civilians) injured in the attack were entitled to receive the Purple Heart and the Defense of Freedom medal.

Unfortunately, the Purple Heart, which is normally accompanied by disability benefits and medical care to treat injuries, has been denied to at least one military service member in the line of fire on that fateful day

This soldier’s name is Shawn Manning. Then-Staff Sgt. Manning was shot by Hasan six times… there are still two bullets in his body (one in his leg and the other in his back)… and he suffers from PTSD – and Fox News has learned that he has been denied medical treatment for the injuries he suffered in the 2009 terrorist attack. Shawn Manning said:

“I think it’s almost unheard of for someone to receive the Purple Heart but not have their injuries deemed combat-related”…”I know that was not what Congress intended to have happen, but it is what currently the Army has determined is going to happen.”

Manning submitted the necessary paperwork to the Army so they would recognize his injuries suffered in the line of duty and he waited. The Army physical evaluation board rejected his application based on a narrow interpretation of the law passed by Congress. Manning’s April 6 rejection letter from the Army reads, in part, that:

“…the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act addresses both the awarding of the Purple Heart to service members killed or wounded in attacks inspired or motivated by foreign terrorist organizations and the Defense of Freedom Medal for those members and civilians killed or wounded during the Fort Hood attack on 5 November 2009…”

“Nowhere in the act, however, does it offer combat benefits for service members permanently disabled in attacks inspired or motivated by foreign terrorist organizations. Although subsequent and guidance may change, currently, the Board has no authority to award V1/V3 (service related) designation to soldiers disabled during the Fort Hood attack.”

Manning said the board’s decision means his family will lose back pay and $800 a month in benefits.