MSNBC interviewed a student who was present during the mass shooting at Florida’s Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School about gun control.
They didn’t get the answer they must’ve been hoping for. Instead, senior Brandon Minoff fought back against the liberal left’s gun hysteria.
Brian Williams, who was hosting the segment for MSNBC, asked Minoff:
“If you were a lawmaker, an adult in a decision-making position, how would you stop, do you think, the kind of thing that happened today? A kid that had been thrown out comes back with a weapon and takes out whatever grievance he’s been walking around in his head?”
Minoff, who had just been through an obviously traumatic ordeal, didn’t take the bait–instead telling Williams that more “gun control” was not the answer, and would not have prevented the shooting.
“Gun-wise, I don’t think there’s any way to prevent it,” said Minoff. “You outlaw guns, it just creates a higher demand for it.”
Minoff added, “I think it has to do with mental health though. If he’s been expelled three different times, from three different schools, I think he should be helped out.”
Minoff’s statement echoed a similar statements made by President Donald Trump in the aftermath of the shooting.
“So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior,” Trump said, via Twitter. “Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!”
Trump also promised to “tackle the difficult issue of mental health” that he believed to be at the core of the problem.