Liberals love to blame Republicans for using scare tactics, but during this election, Democrats are the ones selling fear.
President Obama was at a campaign stop in North Carolina where he put a lot of pressure on the voters there.
“We don’t win this election, potentially, if we don’t win North Carolina, I hate to put a little pressure on you, but the fate of the republic rests on your shoulders. The fate of the world is teetering.”
The “fate of our world?” Really?
Hillary uses many different scare tactics. Here is a montage of her fear mongering during the second Democratic debate on CBS.
If you believe the Democrats then all parents must fear for their daughters, prepare to be invaded by ISIS and Russia and the KKK will take over the country.
Celebrities by the dozens have said they are going to leave this country if Trump wins.
Fear is what they are trying to sell.
Democrats are trying to tell everyone how bad it will be with Trump as president, but they are not using facts, just scare tactics.
Telling voters that the entire fate of our nation rests on their shoulders and the world is teetering on the edge of disaster if you vote for Trump. The fear mongering doesn’t get much more blatant than that.
Which party is using more fear mongering this election? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.