Liberal magazine, Vanity Fair’s writer slammed Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, in a recent article plaintive over the mainstream media’s consistent efforts of keeping the former first daughter under the spotlight, after her mother’s second presidential defeat.
The column comes in the wake of countless Clinton stories being pushed by the mainstream media outlets. While others keep asking Clinton if she is ever going to run for political office, Variety magazine put her on the cover of a recent issue of their magazine.
The column, published Friday, is titled, “Please, God, Stop Chelsea Clinton From Whatever She Is Doing.”
“Amid investigations into Russian election interference, perhaps we ought to consider whether the Kremlin, to hurt Democrats, helped put Chelsea Clinton on the cover of Variety. Or maybe superstition explains it. Like tribesmen laying out a sacrifice to placate King Kong, news outlets continue to make offerings to the Clinton gods,” Vanity Fair’s T.A. Franks wrote in the column.
“One wishes to calm these publications,” he added. “Nevertheless, they’ve persisted. At great cost: increased Chelsea exposure is tied closely to political despair and, in especially intense cases, the bulk purchasing of MAGA hats.”
Franks described Clinton as a lightweight intellectual, saying she’s as bland as oatmeal.
“What comes across with Chelsea, for lack of a gentler word, is self-regard of an unusual intensity. And the effect is stronger on paper. Unkind as it is to say, reading anything by Chelsea Clinton—tweets, interviews, books—is best compared to taking in spoonfuls of plain oatmeal that, periodically, conceal a toenail clipping,” he wrote, noting this gem from Clinton’s 2015 children’s book “It’s Your World.”
“At first glance, of course, Chelsea seems to be boasting that at age five she was interpreting the news with the maturity of an adult. But we should consider whether it’s instead a confession that as an adult she still interprets the news with the maturity of—well, let’s just submit that perhaps she thinks what other people tell her to think. Which brings us to Chelsea’s Twitter feed,” Franks said, referring to Clinton’s supposed letter to Reagan.
Franks then continued slamming Clinton, turning to her “blue state opinion” tweets, which she regularly delves out to her Twitter followers, that now number 1.6 million. Franks also took a shot at them, saying her Twitter followers have a cult-like obsession with her.
He wrote:
“To find fault with the former First Daughter is to invite the wrath of thousands. Love of Chelsea correlates closely with love of Hillary, toward whom her fans have long felt an odd protectiveness, as if she were a stroke survivor regaining the power of speech rather than one of the most influential people in the world. That goes even more for Chelsea, who is often treated less like an independent 37-year-old multi-millionaire and more like the 12-year-old who still deserves to be left alone.”
“On the other hand, if you’re posing for magazine covers, granting interviews, doing book tours, placing your name on your parents’ multi-million-dollar foundation, and tweeting out daily to 1.6 million people, then—guess what—you’re a public figure. And if you’ve openly entertained the possibility of running for office if “it was something I felt called to do,” then assurances to the contrary aren’t quite good enough,” Franks added. “You’re a public hazard.”