Jeb Bush may be on the #NeverTrump train, but another one in his family has decided to back Trump.
Jeb Bush’s son, has supported his father through the entire primary, but now is taking a very different stance than his father.
George P. Bush, a Texas land commissioner is backing Trump and going a step further.
The next generation of Bush’s is urging fellow Republicans to reconsider Trump and to give him the support he needs to defeat Hilary Clinton.
Bush was quoted during a meeting of Texas Republican activists.
“From Team Bush, it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but you know what? You get back up and you help the man that won, and you make sure that we stop Hillary Clinton.”
Donald Trump had some battles with Jeb during the primary.
It is reported that Jeb spent over $250 million during the primary, and majority of the money went to fighting Trump.
Jeb fell in the polls from leading the GOP back in the spring of 2015 to dropping out in February 2016.
It was a “tough pill to swallow” for the Bush family, that is an understatement. The public beating was especially embarrassing since the knockout punch came from a non-politician, Donald Trump.
By George P. Bush backing Trump, it possibly hints to another Bush that is working his way into the White House.
We don’t know if Jeb or his uncle George W. Bush will change their minds and follow the young Bush, but we’ll find out in the next 91 days.
Do you think Jeb will ever come around to endorsing Trump? Let us know in the comments below.