Blocking international shipments into North Korea is believed to be out of CIA’s capacity as the US renews efforts to cut off the revenue for the Pyongyang’s military program, said CIA Director Mike Pompeo.
He said while attending an event “We’re not quite where we need to be.” The Event was being hosted by the American Enterprise Institute based in Washington, D.C.
He said, “Our mission is not complete, but we have officers all around the world working diligently to make sure that we do everything we can to support the U.S. pressure campaign and to tighten sanctions in such a way that we have the opportunity to prevail and to achieve the president’s mission, which is denuclearization of the peninsula.”
Pompeo’s statement came just 4 days after a news source went on to reveal that evidence was being gathered for at least 6 of the Chinese ships, which would be entering North Korean Ports and would transport all the illicit cargos to Russia and Vietnam and would violate all the United Nation Sanctions against Pyongyang.
Trump’s administration, back in September last year, went on to present a proposition to the United Nation’s Security Council where he requested the authorization of the U.S. Navy and Air Force to interrupt and inspect any North Korean Ship on the international waters. Though the resolution was rejected, the UN in December the same year imposed strong sanctions on North Korea, which focused on putting an end to the fuel and oil supplies, which would otherwise have served as an important source of revenue for Kim Jong Un and his nuclear and missile programs.
Pompeo further said that the most basic risk of developing of the missile and its nuclear capabilities is an encouragement to all the nations that have gone rogue, like Iran.
He further said that North Korea and its weapon program would be utilized for coercion and other similar purposes in addition to the self-defense. Pompeo said that North Korean dictator’s next ‘logical step’ would to create and manufacture more of an arsenal of weapons that are capable of firing multiple missiles simultaneously.
“We do believe that Kim Jong Un, given these toolsets, would use them for things beyond regime protection and that is to put pressure on what is his ultimate goal, which is reunification of the peninsula under his authority,” Pompeo said. “We don’t think it’s the case that he’s simply going to use this tool set for self-preservation.”