Charlotte Protestors Plan To Shut Down The NFL


Police shot a black man on Tuesday and despite the facts being in dispute, one thing is for sure, Sunday may be the biggest protest yet.

Charlotte is mad at Cam Newton for not standing up for the protestors by not taking a knee like Colin Kaepernick.

The protestors feel like people like Cam Newton, black men and women with powerful voices, should be the one’s that are protesting.

Now the protestors are threatening to surround the stadium and keep Sunday’s NFL game away from the city.

The Carolina Panthers play the Minnesota Vikings this Sunday and the game is supposed to take place in Charlotte, but if the protestors don’t get what they want, the NFL is going to pay.

The protestors want to see the video of Keith Scott getting killed and they want to make sure it is as the cops said it would be.

Police in Charlotte say that Keith Scott was holding a gun, but some of the eyewitnesses said that the gun looks like one.

Now they have a new demand, they want Cam Newton to take a knee for them or they are going to block the game.

People are always criticizing rioters when they loot neighborhood businesses, but this protest is meant to be peaceful and is designed to have the maximum effect on the wallets of the rich.

Will they follow through? We’ll find out Sunday.

Do you think blocking an NFL game will help the cause or hurt it?