When Obama and Hillary pushed for the new Iranian Deal made earlier this year, majority of the American people thought it was a bad idea, and they were right.
An Iranian senior military official said that Obama has urged the Iranians to fire and test its ballistic missiles in secret as to not upset the region.
This is a big claim, because if the Iranian official is correct, then Obama encouraged the Iranians to break the deal they made.
To make matters worse, the White House confirmed that Obama advisor Ben Rhodes will not be allowed to testify on the Iran deal in a Senate hearing.
Ben came under fire when he said in a New York Times article that the administration controlled the narrative of the Iran deal with “expert” witnesses and fed the nation and young reporters the information they needed to support the Iran Deal.
It all sounds fishy. A top White House aide won’t testify on the deal, the Iranians are saying that Obama is encouraging them to break the deal, and now new reports say that the American soldiers captured by Iran were treated worse than we were lead to believe.
Reports are coming out that the American public was not told the full story of the Americans captured by Iran earlier this year. Obama is withholding information regarding the treatment of our soldiers by Iran and if the truth is released, then Americans would no longer support Iran in any capacity.
Rep. Randy Forbes from Virginia was very adamant about the classified information being released to help American’s frame and more accurate picture of Iran. He says that the Administration is pushing back and he won’t be surprised if it takes a year to get the documents declassified and released.
Everyone knew the Iran deal was a bad deal when Obama and Hillary started talking about it, but now it is evident we didn’t even have all the information.
Obama is done in January, so new information on Iran will only hurt his legacy. The sad thing is, Americans are left with an awful deal and only slivers of truth, but it is enough to know Obama lied to us and Iran is no friend of ours.
What do you think? Do you like Obama’s deal with Iran? Are they our friends? Let us know in the comments.