If Democrats though the border separation issue was going to carry them to November… well, they’re not going to like the latest poll.
According to a poll from Rasmussen Reports, a majority of Americans blame illegal immigrant parents for the border separation–with only a small minority blaming the Trump Administration.
54% of likely voters say that illegal immigrant parents should bear the brunt of the blame, because they broke the law.
Just 35% believe that the federal government is to blame for enforcing existing U.S. immigration law.
Rasmussen also found that the same percentage–54%–agree with President Trump’s statement that “The United States will not be a migrant camp. And it will not be a refugee-holding facility – it won’t be.”
Just 30% disagreed with that statement.
The polling was split largely on party lines, with 82% of Republicans blaming parents and 60% of Democrats blaming the government. But 56% of independents side with Republicans–believing that illegal immigrant parents are responsible for the crisis.
Despite Trump’s recent executive order that ended border separation, it’s clear that the left still intends to make immigration a banner issue. Unfortunately for them, they’re on the wrong side of public opinion.