Black Sportscaster Defends Kanye, Slams Liberals

Pro-Trump rap superstar Kanye West can at least count on one more famous black defender: Jason Whitlock, an African-American sportscaster.

During an interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox, Whitlock explained why he was defending the controversial rapper, and going after the left:

“I think what Kanye is trying to do open black America’s mind to the fact that perhaps we have chosen a bad strategy by swallowing all of the Democratic party and liberalism whole,” he said.

Whitlock also noticed that, despite decades of near-unanimous support for Democrats, the African-American hasn’t seen very many benefits.

“Our families have been destroyed. Our children lost and confused. Our black men incarcerated and emasculated and we’ve moved away from the traditional values that have always defined us. I think we’ve made a mistake,” he said.

Whitlock also went after Ta-Nehisi Coates, a darling of the liberal left who viciously went after West in an op-ed in the Atlantic, claiming that Coates was only employed “to keep everyone in line with the groupthink that the only solution is liberalism for black America’s problems.”

“If that were the case our problems would be being solved much faster because 90, 95% of us are afraid to even admit that we have conservative values and we have been sold — we’ve moved away from our church,” Whitlock added. “We’ve been the most religious people in America for years, hundreds of years and we’re moving more secular. We’re moving away from the church. Our religion now is liberalism and the Democratic party is our church and it’s just not working for us.”

Whitlock, however, did not come out in support of any party or candidate, claiming that he was non-political—but just alarmed about how monolithic African-Americans was for the left.

“I don’t really like politics much at all, but if you just say I think Trump has a good idea here, you get kicked out of the black race,” he said. “Kanye, I’m sure, disagrees with Trump and the Republican party and conservatives on a lot of issues but he’s not willing to cast someone out of the human race just because he disagrees with him,” he said. “If I cast everybody out that I disagreed with I would have no one.”

Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.