While it’s a 50/50 chance you’ll end up drinking your own Kool-aid or be gunned down by disgruntled government agents, there are some benefits to being surrounded by loyal supporters. Just ask L. Ron Hubbard.

With a great backstory and impressionable minds, you can be surrounded by worker bees that will tend to your every need and provide the protection you need for yourself and your family.
The more people you have on your team, the better your odds for survival.

Establish your leadership role by planning ahead and knowing what the others don’t. If you keep them safe and fed, then your status as a leader will grow.

If you don’t care to take it to the extreme, simply form a prepper support group with your neighbors and take a leadership role.

Set up a Facebook group page as a way to keep everyone informed and organized before a disaster hits.


Start From The Beginning