In Alaska a young boy turned into a young girl and became a track sprinter. Nattaphon Wangyot is the first transgender athlete to compete in the State Track Championship, and she got two medals.
The former boy took third in one event and fifth in another one. She was very excited after the win and despite having all the parts of a boy, she identifies as a girl. The Thailand born runner said, “I am a girl born in a boy’s body”.
She may feel like she is a girl in a boy’s body, but to some she is just a boy in a girl’s sport and they spoke out in protests at the State Championships.
Jim Minnery is the president of the Alaska Family Action group and spoke during a press conference at the State track meet.
“We are here today as a voice from the community to ensure that female athletes are not denied the playing opportunities and scholarships otherwise available to them and to make the playing field even again.
Allowing students to play on teams of the opposite sex disproportionately impacts female students, who will lose spots on track, soccer and volleyball teams to male students who identify as female.”
The transgender in athletics issue is a big one right now and one of the biggest stories ever on Liberty News Now was about a man who became a woman boxer and brutally beat a woman that was a woman boxer.
This isn’t going away either, more people are coming out and changing and there is more support than ever.
Even Richard Simmons is reported as becoming a woman. Expect to see more stories of transgender athletes until the playing fields are equal.
What do you think about a boy becoming a girl and competing against girls that are girls? Let us know in the comments.