Grassley Pounces On News Of Partisan Texts At FBI

Deep State Agent
And people claim, "The deep state isn't real." Unbelievable!

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, Chuck Grassley wants to know how deep the rabbit hole of partisanship goes. After the explosive news that anti-Trump partisans were at the head of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia Interference Investigation, it is becoming increasingly clear – even to independents – that the “investigation” is nothing more than a witch hunt.

Grassley is demanding that the Department Of Justice (DoJ) hand over all texts shared between FBI employees and FBI Deputy Director (and partisan hack) Andre McCabe. He explained, “Some officials took actions beyond expressing their political opinions.”

Grassley said that it is important to know the timeline of both when and how the Justice Department first realized that their agents were sending highly politicized messages to each other. He also wanted to know what actions the FBI will take to review the situation, and guarantee that it will not happen again.

In a letter written to the Deputy General Rod Rosenstein, Grassley wrote, “Any improper political influence or motives in the course of any FBI investigation must be brought to light and addressed. Former Director Comey’s claims that the FBI ‘doesn’t give a rip about politics certainly are not consistent with the evidence of discussions occurring in the deputy director’s office”, in the August of last year.

Rod Rosenstein seemed to attempt to protect Robert Mueller from the increased criticism over the course of his appearance at the hearing. Not just the investigation, but the political bias was found among the top ranking decision makers of both the FBI and DOJ.

Rosenstein testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee and said that he did not believe that there was a reason to fire Mueller, yet admitted that members of Mueller’s team had highly partisan and anti-Trump political views.

The text messages that were exposed this week were between two of the senior FBI officials, who had worked on the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller’s Russia probe before they were removed. The text messages showed them calling the President a ‘loathsome human’ and also talked about the ‘insurance policy’ against Trump’s Presidency.

These messages were an exchange between the FBI’s Counterintelligence Officials, Peter Stzork and Lisa Page, and were working in the interest of “Andy”, which some Lawmakers believe that could be a code name used for McCabe. “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office—that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok had texted Page, which was released by the Justice Department and is dated Aug. 15.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok had written in the text.

Another of the text message has indicated a second phone, Strzok and Page used to “talk about Hillary as it can’t be traced”.

This text was exchanged just days before Strozk had finished investigated Clinton aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, during the FBI investigations into Clinton’s mails Grassley had observed. He further asked Rosenstein, if the DOJ had identified the phone that was referred to in the message and if any steps are taken to see the telephone records related to that untraceable phone.

“If none, please explain why not?” he wrote in his letter to DOJ. “If steps have been taken, please detail them and provide all records reviewed.”

The Inspector General of DOJ is currently reassessing the handling of Clinton mails Probe and had stumbled over these texts, during the probe.

Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.