Caught: Hillary Manipulating The Media To Steal The Election


Hillary abruptly ended a chat with the press on her plane after the debate. Now we know why and it is more evidence of Hillary manipulating the media.

After the debate on Wednesday, Hillary took a couple of questions from the press on her plane.

It turns out to be a staged event to be on MSNBC and to add more sound bites against Trump. How was it staged?

Let Mark Dice explain in this video.

Hillary’s press man beside her was out of the frame of the MSNBC camera. MSNBC also go the second question.

In this video it goes a step further. You can see the man behind Hillary telling another reporter to check their phone.

The impromptu press event ended abruptly when a FOX News reporter asked about the James O’Keefe videos that show DNC working to incite violence against Trump supporters and committing voter fraud.

She said she didn’t have time for all of Trump’s “conspiracy theories” and quickly ended the questions. If we can remember back eight years, ACORN corruption was just a conspiracy theory until James O’Keefe exposed the truth.

What these videos show, is that Hillary can’t even do a simple press event on her plane without making sure that each question is planned for. When something is thrown at her she doesn’t like, she just avoids it and walks away.

We can’t think back to a time in our history when a campaign controlled the messaging of the press with more vigor and power. Maybe FDR, but that was because he couldn’t walk. What is happening now is different though. They hid FDR’s illness to project strength to the world.

Hillary stages the questions in order to hide her weaknesses from America. With her small lead in the polls, it seems to be working too.

Is Hillary a woman that deserves our votes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.