Uncle Sam Wants You . . . to Show Gay Films in Mumbai

Gay film festival in mumbai
I wish they knew how to quit wasting government money

Go ahead and file this one under “WTF” in your memory rolodex.

The Department of State is offering an $18,000 grant for someone to come out to Mumbai, India and screen “seven to ten American films that outline the legal and social aspects of the struggle for gay rights in the United States.”

The film viewings would be part of the LGBT Pride Month Film Festival in 2019.

The notice was placed on December 21st of last year – one day before the start of the government shutdown.

Registered non-profit organizations are qualified to apply for the federal grant which will be awarded after the closing date of February 20th.

Grant winners will be responsible for selecting and promoting the films that will be shown at the LGBT Pride Month Film Festival.

While $18,000 doesn’t even cover lunch for the government, Trump supporters may be a bit disappointed that we’re supporting the cultural development of the gay community in foreign countries.

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