Despite Trump Hiring Freeze, Government Keeps Hiring

During his address before a joint session of Congress last night, President Donald Trump reminded the public of his action to freeze hiring at the federal level.

Upon taking office, one of President Trump’s first actions was to sign a presidential memorandum to freeze all non-military and non-essential hiring.

But as the continued robust rate of hiring indicates, the memorandum didn’t actually do much.

First, there is no definition of what jobs are considered essential to “national security and public safety.”

That’s why the Congress has a job posted for an elevator mechanic for $28 an hour and the Department of Interior is looking for a Biological Science Technician for the Center of Urban Ecology (and we all know that Urban Ecology is an essential service).

Other jobs posted on within the last ten days include:

IT Administrator for the D.C. Courts, paying up to $123,234 a year.
Sheet Metal Mechanic for the Architect of the Capitol for $32.22 an hour.
Student Trainees for HHS that will get up to $36.21 an hour.
Supervisory Librarian for the Library of Congress that pays up to $123,234 a year.
A Sales Counter Attendant for the Library of Congress that will get a salary of $42,151 a year.

And the list goes on and on to include 231 jobs open to the public that were announced within the last 10 days . . . only within 50 miles of Washington, D.C.

Nationwide, 2,387 jobs have been posted within the last 10 days by the federal government.

Outside of military branches, the department of government that has the largest hiring spree in effect is Health and Human Services.

The only agency of government that appears to be complying with President Trump’s memorandum is the Executive Office of the President. While there are 17 jobs posted for the White House, they are all intern positions that pay $0.

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Shane Cory is the Editor of Liberty News Now. Shane is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and has been involved in politics, publishing and marketing for more than 20 years. He has served as the Executive Director of the Libertarian National Committee, Project Veritas and is the co-Founder of Liberty Guard.